About the author — Profit Wise Book

About the author

Profit Wise Business Book

Jeff Morrill co-founded Planet Subaru, “your undealership,” in 1998, and built it into one of the most successful privately-held car dealerships in the United States. He later started other businesses in automotive retail, real estate, telecommunications, and insurance. His achievements in building profitable and ethical companies have been featured in a variety of national media including USA Today, Entrepreneur Magazine, Automotive News, The Boston Globe, and others. Jeff is the author of Profit Wise: How to Make More Money in Business by Doing the Right Thing. He donates all income from the book to Population Services International, a global health organization with programs targeting malaria, child survival, HIV, and reproductive health.

Jeff is a strict vegetarian, even though people tell him it's a big missed steak to eat that way. However, he does like his puns well done. Jeff lives with his wife, Julie, outside Charlottesville, Virginia, on a mountain he refers to as “The Morrill High Ground.”


Say hello to Jeff.